The question, as with all things, is 'Why'. Why, you ask, have I chosen the pairing of Hermione Granger and Tom Riddle, who live in different times with two very different social milieus, two very different ideals and is canonically impossible, why did I choose to make a fansite about this particular pairing?

Easy- I could.

Well, more than that. The sheer idea of this pairing is so fantastical and impossible that you can't help but adore the thought of it; imagine, if you will, the two brightest students of the century somehow coming together by fate- one doomed to undergo hienous transformations, making him unrecognizable and destined to take the throne as the ruler of darkness, and the other merely the rather nerdy best friend of a tempermental hero. In this twisted pairing they fall in love and... what now? Will Tom denounce up evil or will Hermione join him?

That, my dears, is a story line of what romantic tragedies are made of. If the two want to be together (which they do) one or the other must betray everything and everyone they know.

To put it simply, this pairing is ambiguous and sexy. Two different academics, from two very different worlds, with two seperate mindsets... it may just be me, but the idea of this impossible and illicit affair turns me on.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my short and pathetic reason why.